EMSella Treatment

EMSella Treatment

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What is EMSella?

A breakthrough non-invasive treatment for incontinence for both men and women. 

Who is the right candidate for EMSella?

EMSella is a great treatment for men and women alike who desire a solution for incontinence and improvement in their quality of life.

How long is the treatment? How many sessions are necessary?

A typical treatment takes about 30 minutes and you will need 6 sessions scheduled twice a week. Treatments are done fully clothed - just make sure there is no metal present on your clothing or in your body.

Is it painful?

You will experience tingling and pelvic floor muscles' contractions during the procedure. You may resume daily activities immediately after the treatment.

When will I see results?

You may observe improvement after a single session. The results will typically continue to improve over the next few weeks.